
3:29 PM

Mikhail, 21

русский & english
undergrad psych major
INTP, 5w4, sx/sp
gemini ☉, aquarius ☾, leo ↑


3:30 PM


Astrology (learning traditional)
MBTI, Enneagram, & other typologies


Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun


3:31 PM




OK! DM me on twitter
before adding me, though.


3:32 PM

Kogarashi Sentiment (Senjogahara Hitagi Kaiki Deisyu Version)

420K views • 3 years ago

66.6M subscribers

Comments 6969

help i can't stop listenign to this fucking song it's ruining my goddamn life i need to go to work


3:33 PM

I like to make carrds for fun so here are my other ones bc I'm proud of how they look.

Pretty much all of them look better on desktop including this one. I just couldn't get them to look good on mobile. 😔

9/9/2020 Update:
Finally got this carrd to look good on mobile! (Only on iPhones though). Can't say the same for my other carrds, but I'm happy with how this one has turned out.


3:34 PM

i love youuuuuuuuuuu

bg by karlottafreier


3:35 PM

i like geminis and ENTPs
(other faves on AniList)